środa, 20 września 2006

The suffering

Polish: Przyszedłeś do mnie, wybrałeś mnie, poddałeś próbie ognia. Dałeś pierścień i miłość Lucyfera. Panie mrocznych sal, zabrałeś mi dziewictwo, zostawiając diabelski ślad, ognistym mieczem na mej duszy.

English: You came to me, you chose me, you subjected the test of the fire. You gave ring and the Lucifer love. The Lord of dark halls, you took me the virginity, leaving devilish trace fiery sword on my soul.

The suffering is next experience in the life, test having on the aim to check our belief, loyalty, endurance etc. I passed a lot in the life, maybe not comparing to Hiob, but I have saved my road of the suffering. Man by the road of the suffering becomes better, wiser...
What does not kill us, this strengthens us.

There is no person on this planet which never suffered. The suffering is written in the human existence so same as happiness. So this is already be and we won't advise anything on this. I taught not to blame anyone else, and nothing for the evil which I experience. I agree with this what the life gives me, though many times it wasn't "rose". The suffering enriched me in many new experiences and considerations. Thanks to this what it met me in the life, I am such now what I am, but not different. Can here quote many features of my character as the example.

2 komentarze:

Anonimowy pisze...

Kto ci zabrał dziewictwo? Znowu wszystko na mnie :P

Unknown pisze...

Bo Ty metafory nie rozumiesz ;-)